Magic Touch & Her Mini-Woodland Garden

Magic Touch & Her Mini Woodland Garden…

Magic Touch & Her Gardens: Magic Touch & Her Mini Woodland Garden

On the east facing side, aka the shady side of the house, I have created a mini woodland garden. I chose, from left to right, Oak-Leaf Hydrangea, Dropmore Honeysuckle, and Hemlock as my anchor plants. I found room for a Rhododendron between the Hydrangea and Honeysuckle.

Oak Leaf Hydrangea full bloom

Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Dropmore Honeysuckle bloom

Dropmore Honeysuckle Bloom

Canadian Hemlock


The under story plants include a White Bleeding Heart, Trillium, Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Jewelweed, Bloodroot,  Bear’s Breeches, and Ostrich-Fern.

white Bleeding Heart

White Bleeding Heart



Jack in the pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum


Blood root


Along the outside border you will find three different varieties of Hosta, one being Mouse Ears, Siberian Iris, a lavender Rose, and Roman Chamomile as well as Bear’s Breeches.



Gold Hosta


Siberian Iris

Siberian Iris

Lavender Rose

Lavender Rose

Acanthus mollis 'Tasmanian Angel' (Bear's breeches)

Acanthus mollis ‘Tasmanian Angel’ (Bear’s breeches)

I call this my “Ghost Plant,” the first leaves are eerie as they emerge in early spring.

Acanthus mollis 'Tasmanian Angel' Bear's breeches

Big difference…It matures into one of the lushest plants I grow. I chose This plant to add texture to the Garden…

Hostas:Roman Chamomile

Hostas & Roman Chamomile

It is also home to a cement leaf bird feeder, a water feature and an urn.

Water Feature

Water Feature using a small ladder and a few watering cans.

Click here for simple directions.

Blanket Flower

Within the flagstone walk way, Thyme and Gaillardia grow. The garden is edged with medium size river rock.

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2 Responses to Magic Touch & Her Mini-Woodland Garden

  1. Beth says:

    Absolutely awesome to see the before and the now! Love the way you broke it all down with pics and plant names for the individual areas…as always you are an inspiration!

    • admin says:

      Thank you for stopping by Beth. Doing these post helps me get inspired as well. I love creating, and reliving the outcome.

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